ANURADHA NAKSHATRA by Astro consultant in Kalighat

ANURADHA NAKSHATRA Astro consultant in Kalighat

The 17th Zodiacal extension from 213.20 degree to 226.40 degree is called Anuradha Nakshatra; corresponding to the ‘Al-Iklil’ (the crown) of the Arab Manzil; ‘Scorpionis’ of the Greeks; ‘Fang’ of the Chinese Sieu.

Anuradha means ‘Success’ and the group consist of 3 stars sometimes 4 stars according to other authorities, which appears to be lotus and sometimes like an umbrella.

Presiding deity of the Anuradha Nakshatra is Mitra meaning ‘Friend’. Mitra is one of the 12 Adityas.

1. General Results of Being Born in Anuradha Nakshatra:-

A. Male Natives –

i) Physical Features: His face will be round, bright and physical appearance extremely attractive with bright eyes; sometimes cruel if the planetary combinations are not perfect.

ii) Character and General Events: He is liable to face several obstacles in life. Even then he has special aptitude to handle the most difficult situation in a most systematic way. However, if we look at his face, a peculiar face can be noticed. There will not be peace of mind in his life. He is always active in taking revenge whenever opportunity comes.

iii) Education, Sources of earning / profession: He can be successful in the business field. If he is employed he has a special calibre of how to pocket his superiors. He starts earning his bread at a very young age say on or about 17 and 18 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to 48 years of age will be full of problems.

If Moon is in the company of Mars, he may be a person dealing with drugs and chemicals or a doctor.

iv) Family Life: No benefit will be derived from the co-borns under any circumstances. He cannot enjoy or derive any benefit from his father. In some cases, frequent friction with his father is also noticed.

Same way there is no luck of receiving love and affection from the mother also. Normally, he settles down away from his place of birth.

v) Health: His health will generally be good. He will be prone to asthmatic attack, dental problems, cough and cold, constipation and sore throat.

Astro consultant in Kalighat

B. Female Natives –

i) Physical Features: Her face is innocent looking. Even an ugly looking woman with beautiful waist is attracted to woman. Whereas, in the Anuradha native, in addition to her attractive face and beautiful body her beautiful waist is further added to her attraction to males.

ii) Character and General Events: She is pure-hearted. She does not believe a life of fashion whereas she likes to lead a simple life. A selfless, agreeable and attractive disposition. She can shine well in social and political field.

iii) Education, Sources of earning / profession: She will be more interested in music and fine arts. Professional dancers are also found to have been born in this Nakshatra.

iv) Family Life: She is very much devoted to her husband and observes religious norms. She can be called as a model mother as far as upbringing of her own children is concerned. Her devotion to her in-laws pours further glory in her personal life.

v) Health: She may suffer from irregular menses. Severe pain will be felt at the time of bleeding as the flow of spoiled blood will be quite intermittent. She may also suffer from headache, nasal catarrh.

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