Be Aware Of Your Manglik Dosha Astrology

As a manglik, you have a higher chance of developing certain ailments and it is important that you are aware of the risks you are taking.

Manglik Dosha Astrology is a condition where there is a malefic influence of Mars on the Lagna(Ascendant) or Moon. This can happen when one’s Lagna (Ascendant) or Moon is placed in the 7th house of any sign, counting from its own sign.

The reason why this dosha is considered dangerous is because both Mars and Saturn are malefic planets. They represent destruction, negativity and bad luck. When they are together in a person’s horoscope, they spoil everything related to marriage including love, sex life and family matters.

The person having Manglik Dosha must take care of his health and lifestyle because he is more prone to suffer from ailments such as Heart disease and Cancer. He should also avoid taking drugs as they can lead to serious health problems and complications.

Manglik dosha can be removed by performing some remedies and the most important thing to do if you are Mangalik is to visit a Jyotish. A Jyotish like Samrat S. Acharya can guide you properly to eliminate the Manglik Dosh from your life.